10 MM Silver Crazy Lace Agate w/ silver hardware and "Doux Sept" logo.
Silver Crazy Lace Agate is a striking gemstone with natural twisting, turning bands of black and white tones resembling delicate lace patterns. While this silvery color scheme may lend itself well to winter landscapes, according to metaphysical beliefs, crazy lace agate is a joyful stone that promotes optimism.
Crazy Lace Agate is a balancing and protecting stone. It brings laughter and absorbs emotional pain.
Crazy Lace Agate is used to help with decision making by balancing the physical, emotional, and mental so that it is easy to make decisions.
It also helps one stay focused. It is generally a protective stone, but is particularly emotionally protective.
It is also said to ward off the "evil eye." Physically, crazy lace agate is said to be excellent for increasing stamina and energy.
Agate itself is good protective energy stone, it can help strengthen the body's connection to the earth. It can give courage, energy, strength, and dispels fears, all of which increase self-confidence.